A Great Way To Lose Weight - Intermittent Fasting [EXPLAINED]


A picture that encourages timely eating

Do you want to lose some weight and be like me (not exactly though) ? Then it will be worth a while to fast a little bit for some time. Like some doctor said "To lose weight, eat less and exercise more". Well, don't ask me about which doctor said because I too don't know (Probably, a random quote by FAXSCIENCE). Then, here is an excellent way to lose some weight - The Intermittent Fasting.



A graphical photo showing a boy undertaking fasting
Image by Pintera Studio from Pixabay

It is a type of fasting in which you only eat in a chosen specific time period. Studies have proven that that fasting for several hours each day have given several health benefits. In pre-historic ages, when we human were still evolving (we are doing it right now, too), humans mainly consumed animals as their meals and completed their food needs. They primary depended on food sources like bulls, oxen and many other animals which provided them with meat. Now, I have a genuine question for you all, “Do you think that  they  would get food to all the time they go for a hunt ?” (Well, why not answer this in comments ?)

Well, the answer was obviously no. They had to stare sometimes they had to starve. For times like this, the term ‘Evolution’ comes in handy. We, humans are evolved in such a way that we can go on without water for several days, we can live on without food for several days or even weeks using our stored fats. That’s the basic idea of this fasting. As I said before we will only eat in the chosen period of time and I opt you all to do some exercise while doing Intermittent Fasting it will help to burn calories faster.


Now, this is also one of the important questions you may ask. There are various approaches to intermittent fasting, all centred around selecting specific timeframes for eating and fasting. For instance, you might experiment with restricting you’re eating to an eight-hour window daily and fasting for the remaining hours. Alternatively, you could opt for consuming only one daily meal on two non-consecutive days each week. The flexibility in intermittent fasting schedules allows for diverse options.

According to various studies, when the body goes without food for an extended period, it depletes its sugar reserves and initiates the burning of fat is a process he terms as metabolic switching.

These studies highlight the contrast between intermittent fasting and the conventional eating habits of many people, who frequently consume meals throughout the day. Mark Mattson, one of the key researchers emphasizes that if someone is adhering to the typical three meals a day, plus snacks, and is not engaging in physical activity, each meal becomes a reliance on those calories without tapping into the body's fat stores.

The mechanism of intermittent fasting revolves around extending the timeframe post-meal, ensuring the body moves beyond recently ingested calories and transitions into burning stored fat.


Well, several approaches exist for practicing intermittent fasting, all revolving around dividing the day or week into distinct eating and fasting phases. There are three types of approaches towards Intermittent Fasting that I know of. Here,  they are as follows :

  1. The 16/8 Method (also known as Leangains Protocol) :- In this approach, you need to skip breakfast and limit your daily eating window to 8 hours, like from 1 to 9 p.m. Subsequently, observe a 16-hour fasting period
  2. Eat-Stop-Eat :- This approach involves fasting for a full 24 hours once or twice a week. For instance, refrain from eating from dinner one day until dinner the following day.
  3. The 5:2 Diet :- In this kind of approach, you can consume only 500–600 calories on two non-consecutive days of the week and maintain a regular diet on the remaining 5 days.

Many individuals favour the 16/8 method for its simplicity, and also due to its so called easiness.


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Well, it depends on our consistency.  In my experience it didn’t do something  like this but still I did a fast from 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. and did heavy exercises for about one hour every day. I did it for 75 days and lost a good amount of fat and gained nice muscles. More here - Hereis Why Sugar is Your Enemy !!! Explained.


Well, In Intermittent fasting, only zero calorie drinks are allowed so I  recommend drink water. But  drinking black coffee and tea may soothe your hunger as it did in my case. 


In conclusion, if you aspire to shed some weight and adopt a lifestyle akin to mine (albeit not exactly), consider giving a try to intermittent fasting. This approach involves eating only during designated time periods, backed by studies demonstrating various health benefits. Reflecting on our prehistoric ancestors' reliance on intermittent access to food, the concept of evolution proves important in understanding our adaptive ability to endure periods of scarcity by tapping into stored fats. Intermittent fasting, as I've personally experienced, involves selective eating periods, coupled with recommended exercise to accelerate calorie burning. The various approaches to intermittent fasting, such as the 16/8 method, Eat-Stop-Eat, and the 5:2 Diet, provide flexible options to individual preferences. While many find the 16/8 method appealing for its simplicity, the duration to witness results hinges on individual consistency and commitment. My personal journey of fasting from 1 P.M. to 9 P.M., coupled with rigorous exercise for 75 days, yielded positive outcomes in fat loss and muscle gain. For more insights, explore "Hereis Why Sugar is Your Enemy !!! Explained."

REFERENCES : I would like to give credits to below website as they provided me with information, I am sharing with you all today. So, I would appreciate if you took a look at their websites for more information.

  1. HopkinsMedicine
  2. Healthline


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